Friday, October 31, 2014

"Rubbish to runway" 2014 fashion outfit

OK as per request, I wanted to share the outfit that I had designed for the "rubbish to runway" show.
Everything used, according to the rules, had to be something that would've (or was) in the trash.
I had actually made two outfits but after they were reviewed from the artist consultants only one was used and the accessories pared down.
The title of my ensemble was  called "budgie ball".
(Because most of the outfit was made from bird food bags! )
Some of the items I made  did not make the cut in the selection process. I think, maybe, I could use it for next year's show, if indeed, I am among the many talented ladies selected.
To me, fashion is "wearable art". I love art and I love creating.
These shoes were shoes that a friend of my mother's that were destined for the dumpster.
 I salvaged them by repairing them, adding card-board, kaytee bird food bag logos, old ribbon, discarded feathers and hot glueing sand-paper on the soles so I wouldn't slip and kill myself.

Here is the vest (front and back).
I used scrap material, lined it with an old fabric shower liner, shoe-lace lace up and put a kaytee food bag picture as an applique on the back.
The necklace and earrings that I wore as accessories I used bottle caps as framers and placed  (again) pictures from the Kaytee food bags inside the caps plus old beads.
Here is the skirt made by sewing kaytee food bags together and lining it with that old fabric shower curtain liner.
At the final rehearsal, I ended up not using the scarf. It was a bit much with the busy oufit. The simplier the better.
The scarf was made using scrap fleece material, kaytee cut-outs and disgarded bird feathers.
I did use the purse featured. Again, from Kaytee food bags, bits from that shower curtain liner and the handles from a wrecked grocery bag.
I have ideas for  NEXT years show. After seeing some of the incredible creations from some of the other ladies involved it inspired me to amp it up in "my creativity department".
Maybe next year's ensemble will be titled: "fifty shades of grey cockatiels". (:O

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