Friday, March 30, 2012

business as usual

Nothing to report, which to me, is always a good sign.
No news is good news as I always say.
My cousin was on vacation. Her brother "Ken' was minding the house. Since he works long tedious hours I took her dogs out mid afternoon to do their "business".
"Jackie" is an elderly one-eyed pom mix. He is both blind and deaf which means he needs to be carried and coaxed outside. "Cuddles"is an older cocker spaniel with what I will politely say is, "special needs". She is a cute sweet dog but she will pee right in front of you IN THE HOUSE right after you've taken her out for 30 minutes.(!)
I generally find turds and puddles on the kitchen floor(where the dogs aren't allowed to enter) The little brats will sneak in past the gate.
I can bet dollars to donuts that "Cuddles" is the culprit.
"Ruby" the border collie mix is my jogging partner. Of ALL the dogs I've walked, Ruby is the best dog to jog with. She loves the one on one attention and is in tune with my pace. We both benefit form the exercise.
My cousin's cleaning lady is scheduled to clean the house today. Hopefully, "Cuddles' didn't leave any "gifts" on the floor and "Ken' didn't leave a uber mountain of dishes in the sink. This lady has her work cut out for her between the dogs and the single dad's "non house keeping skills".
I hope she doesn't quit.


  1. And the picture is of Cuddles, right?

  2. This is my jogging partner, "Ruby" :-)

  3. I love this picture of my princess! I noticed no picture of Puddles, I mean Cuddles....hmmmm.....I hope Margaret doesn't quit, too. She only comes once a month and it's bad enough then, never mind when she had to miss last month followed by the invasion of Ken and the twins......on top of Cuddle's puddles (and turds)
