Friday, December 16, 2011

more night frights

This morning I feel as though I've been hit with a sledge hammer.

I can't even touch the side of my head without wincing.

My neck, left shoulder and spine hurt like hell.

My eyes look like two piss holes in the snow.

I took a zomig and a naproxin to help me navigate out of bed.


Where the hell is my F*&^ing coffee?

I feel like one of the characters from the movie "the Hangover" -except for the fact that I don't imbibe in adult beverages.(Hey, at least I didn't wake up in some shit-h*le hotel in Thailand or wake up with a "new' tattoo on my face)

It's just another nasty MF migraine.

At 4;00am my husband nudged me out of the bed. The birds were having night frights.

If you don't stop the frenzy and panic somebody could easily break a wing or or worse, a neck.


Carl, my 15 year old grouchy male budgie was having a major tantrum. He got the rest of the birds in a panic. He fell off his perch and couldn't get back on. He was screaming and flapping around. I turned the lights on to try to calm everyone. The light was like daggers in my eyes. I got Carl back on his perch. He was still pissed and carrying on like it was MY fault he fell down.

Poor Eddie lost a pile of feathers as a result.

Thankfully, no major damage done.

I am just guessing that we might of had a "microburst" last night. There were branches and Christmas decorations all over the place.The wind last night sounded like a freight train ripping by. We had no signal on our TV last night.We couldn't get any TV channels what so ever. That usually happens when it is wicked windy out.

It's one of those "dunkin donut days", but as always, I have to resist.

I'll just settle for just a nice cup of coffee.


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